Welcome to the Eco-Runners - the eco-game challengers who are charting their course for cleaner running!
In the current landscape, one observation stands out: Every year an astronomical quantity of sports clothing ends up in the trash. Today, 38 tonnes were thrown into the streets of New York during the 2023 edition of the New York marathon. It’s time to recognize that small steps toward sustainability are no longer enough. We need to aim higher and adopt a systemic approach, where circularity plays a key role. Let's consume less, let's consume better.

More and more runners are trying to shake up the running game, ready to challenge the industry and protect their playgrounds! In this guide, we offer you tips to integrate to join the Eco-Runners crew (without sacrificing your sporting performance).
For all your equipment, opt for products made locally from recycled, bio-sourced, or natural materials with low environmental impact. Choose materials such as recycled polyamide or recycled polyester for minimal environmental impact. Choose quality items, designed to go the distance, with a high repairability rate (which allows the product to be easily repaired in the event of wear). One objective: the reduction of post-consumer waste and the storage of unnecessary equipment.
Forget gym sessions and go explore our playgrounds by rediscovering the natural spaces around you. As a bonus: Better oxygenation of your body.

No more energy drinks in plastic bottles and disposable cups. Tons of waste that we could avoid are produced all the time. During your runs, remember to limit the use of plastic by favoring the use of reusable bottles or flasks.
Choose races and sporting events near you. And to get there, choose public transport or, even better, active modes such as walking or cycling to minimize carbon emissions linked to travel. As a bonus: a good warm-up before the race!
Adopt circularity as a way of life by optimizing the use, reuse, and recycling of each product. Being an Eco-Runner is not limited to your running sessions but applies to all elements of your daily life.
Dare to move and join the team of eco-runners for a more circular world!
Share your commitments with your crew
Influence your running partners and encourage them to adopt sustainable behaviors by sharing these little tips for all their sessions. For an even bigger community. Protect our playground & race for change!
The Circle team
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