Salome Brown
A podiatry student and half-distance runner (from 3000m to half-marathon), Salomé has been training since September 2022 with the aim of fully exploiting her potential and with the objective of running her first marathon.
Wear the French team jersey and run until I'm 80.
Distance préférée
The half marathon
Terrains de jeu
The Bois de Vincennes, for its calm, its varied terrain and its grandeur
Meilleurs résultats
10K: 34'36 ; Half marathon: 1h15'55
French long cross championships: 36th place
Forces et faiblesses
My strength in running is my combativeness and my weakness is my lack of confidence.

“I appreciate Circle for its ethics and commitment to the planet. I love wearing Circle products, they stand out from other brands for their comfort, quality and elegance. As a runner, it is important to be sensitive to the environment in which we practice our sport on a daily basis. »
« I appreciate Circle for its ethics and commitment to the planet. »
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