The breath you just took while reading this sentence is thanks to the oceans. And this one, this one too, and… you understand me: every breath we take is possible thanks to the oceans. Did you know that oxygen represents 21% of the atmosphere and that it comes from the photosynthesis of certain living organisms? Did you know that this photosynthesis mainly occurs in the oceans?
We all have in mind “The Amazon is the lungs of the planet”, but we should also say that the oceans are the lungs of the planet!
3000 meters of void under the ocean
On this World Oceans Day, let's start by learning a little more about these abysses, to better realize their importance. Here are some facts that should strike you:
- 71% of the planet is covered in salt water.
- The total surface of the oceans is the equivalent of 653 times the territory of mainland France.
- The maximum depth of the ocean has been measured at 10,923 m!
- The Denmark Strait Cataract is the highest waterfall in the world! This waterfall (which is located below the surface) measures 3505 m. In comparison, Niagara Falls in Canada is 57 m and Salto Ángel in Venezuela is 979 m…
- More than half of the oxygen we breathe comes from the oceans. Indeed, algae and many varieties of microcosmic organisms called phytoplankton have been using photosynthesis for much longer than plants on earth. These organisms use carbon dioxide, water and energy from the sun to feed themselves, and release oxygen in the process. This oxygen was stored in our atmosphere long before plants appeared on earth!
- More than 80% of the oceans have not yet been explored or mapped.
- An ocean or oceans? There are 5 major ocean basins in the world: the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean (Antarctica). All these basins are connected and in reality form one big world ocean! Our society has become accustomed to talking about “oceans”, but in reality there is only one, because everything is connected!
Impressive, isn't it? You can keep some of these numbers in mind for the next family meal or aperitif with friends :)
And what are your memories with the ocean?
Beyond all these facts and figures, we all have a personal connection to the ocean. A memory, an image, a smell, a sensation... The ocean can make you think of childhood vacations, of the salt in your hair, of the waves in which you can swim or surf, of the incredible creatures that inhabit it, to the deep blue that fascinates, to the incredible creatures that inhabit it, to splendid memories of boating or diving, to a moment on the terrace at sunset...
And you ? What are your fondest memories by the water?
What did experiencing the ocean allow you to do?
Take some time to relive these magical moments and connect to the gratitude you feel towards the oceans!
World Oceans Day: what can each of us do?
Now, how can we celebrate World Oceans Day with dignity today, but also every day of the year? Here are some little tips, yes you will find plenty of them online, but these are the ones that I apply and they are simple!
- I wasn't kidding, at the next family meal and the next aperitif with friends, slip a few figures on the oceans. Talking about the oceans around you can have a real impact.
- Talk about it: at the next family meal and the next time with friends, share the number above or the memory that stood out to you. Talking about the oceans around you can have a real impact, and take the opportunity to talk with your friends about a subject that is close to your heart.
- Reduce your plastic consumption as much as possible. Yes, it's complicated, but every action counts.
- Avoid using plastic bags...ever again. Especially for fruits and vegetables at the supermarket, bring your own bags!
- Avoid using straws. For example, when you are in a restaurant, ask to be served without a straw when ordering. If we all remark, we can make an impression ;)
- Hard toothpaste, hard shampoo, hard soap: eliminate plastic packaging which is easy to replace.
- Continue to educate yourself, read the media, or follow inspiring accounts on the subject of eco-responsibility on social networks with, for example, the Instagram accounts of SeaLegacy , Only One . You can also watch films or documentaries such as Chasing corals - Blue Planet - A Plastic Ocean - Seaspiracy .
- Try to move closer to a vegetarian or vegan diet. Every gesture counts! If you ever eat animals, ask what conditions they lived their lives in. Everything you ingest impacts your well-being, eating while respecting living things will have a positive impact on you and on the planet.
- Buy conscientiously, for example buy Circle Sportswear for your sports outfits :))
I hope that this little information and advice has helped and motivated you. There is no magic recipe, but there are thousands of small things we can do every day, which added together can create a strong impact. This is the strength of the collective. And each of us has the choice to be part of the solution!
See you soon by the ocean!